CM Next college management software is a complete ERP solution
CM Next college management software is a full ERP system developed specifically for schools and colleges. This specialized program contains all the features needed to handle all the activities necessary.
The software makes it easier for managers to know the current status of a college attendance including student attendance, fee, test, classes, syllabus, library records and much more can be handled by university or college. CM Next college ERP approach was designed to minimize the difficulty that colleges face in concurrently handling odd-even semesters. This is easy to use with all forms of operating system and mobile devices equipped college management system. The college can now achieve the goal of becoming a paperless organization with this efficient and safe solution.
You can manage school, ITI college, institute, coaching, polytechnic college, CBSC school, Up Board school
Scroll down to get detailed information about CM Next College ERP technology features and functions.

Advanced dashboard with multiple excellent statistics and widget
Site Administration can setting from here like General Setting, Payment Setting ,SMS Setting and Email Setting
Site Administration can set color theme from here we have 16 Default color theme
33+ Default Language
Unlimited language options with 33 default languages Site Administrator can update any language phase from here.
Academic Year
Administrator can set and manage Academic year/ Session administrator section
Role &Permission
Unlimited User Role create option and Permission assign that user roles
Backup Database
System Administrator can take system database backup
User Activity Logs
System All User activities log
Guardian Feedback
Using this feature System Admin can manage Guardian feedback.
Human Resource
Manage Institution Employees Profile and Employees designation using this module
Leave Type
Using this feature System Admin can manage Leave Type…
Leave Management
Using this feature System Admin can manage all type of User Leave.
Manage all teachers information like add new Teacher and delete resign teacher
Manage all classes information
Manage all sections of classes information
Manage all subjects of classes as per academic syllabus.
Manage syllabus of all subjects as per academic year.
Study Materials
Using this feature System administrator can Manage study Materials of all subjects as per academic year.
Class Routine
Manage class routine of all classes and sections.
Manage students guardians informations.
Student Types
Using This feature System administrator can Manage Student Types
Student Groups
Using This feature System administrator can Manage Student Groups
Manage students informations like admit new students, Admit/Upload Bulk Student, Admit advanced Student, Student Online Admission
ID &Admit Card Setting
Using This Feature System Admin can Manage students, employees and teachers ID Card and Admit Card Configuration and Design.
ID &Admit Card Generate
Using This Feature System Admin can Manage students, employees and teachers ID Card and Admit Card Generate and Print.
Manage students, employees and teachers attendance informations and Absent Email/SMS can be Send using this module.
Manage assignment like teacher can assign a home task using this module.
Exam Grade
Manage exam Grade points using this feature
Exam Module
Exam Module is used for managing Exam Term for each classes and students
Exam Suggestion
Using this feature teacher can provide exam suggestion for exam
Exam Schedule
Exam Schedule Module is used for managing Exam time schedule
Exam Attendance
Exam Attendance Module is used for managing students attendance in the exam
Exam Mark
Exam Marks Module is used for managing students exam marks
Exam Term Result
Exam Result Featured is used for managing students exam term result sheet.
Exam Final Result
Exam Result Featured is used for managing students exam final result sheet.
Exam Merit List
Using this feature user can view Student merit list as per class and Section.
Exam Mark Sheet
Using this feature user can Manage Student mark Sheet as per class and Section.
Student Result Card
Using this feature user can Manage Student mark Sheet as per class and Section.
Mark SMS &Email
This Module is used for sending student exam result to their guardian/student.
Result SMS &Email
This Module is used for sending student exam mark to their guardian/student.
This module is used to promote student to the next class.
This module is used to generate student certificate like transfer/testimonial/completionetc.
Library Management
Library management system from where student can take book and return book.
Manage Library books like add, edit, and delete a book
Using This feature System Admin can Manage e-books
Transport Management
Transport management system for manage transport easily.
Transport Vehicle
Manage Transport Vehicle using this feature.
Transport Route
Manage Transport Route using this feature.
Hostel Management
Hostel management system for manage hostel easily
Hostel Rooms
Manage hostel rooms using this feature.
Users can sent/receive/reply/view message to/from other users.
Mail &SMS
Using this feature System Admin can Send Email and SMS to the Whole System users..
Using this feature System Admin can Manage User complain regarding different department
Administrator can publish/decree notice using this feature
Administrator can publish news using this feature
Administrator can publish Holiday using this feature
Event Management
Administrator can arranging Event using this feature
Manage Payroll
Using this Module can be process Salary Payment for Employee and Teacher
8 SMS Gateway
Clicktell, BulkSMS, Twilio, Plivo ,MSG91, TextLocal, Country SMS, BetaSMS
6 Payment Gateway
Cash, Cheque, Paypal &PayUMoney, PayTM, PayStack
Using this feature user can manage Student Discount
Fee Type
Using this feature user can manage Student Fee Type
Using this feature all income can be manage
Using this feature all expenditure can be manage
Using this feature can be manage student all kinds of payment invoice
20+ Default Reports with unlimited variations
Media Gallery
Using this module can be manage Media Gallery and Gallery Image for frontend
Frontend Website
Using this module can be manage Frontend Website Page and Settings
Reset Password
Reset password of any user is now very easy
Manage Profile
Logged user have ability to update own profile